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Union Experience

For more than a decade I have served on several committees and held various union positions- always ensuring that teachers concerns are listened to and heard. I have divided this section into union positions and committee work:

Standing up for you and with you...always

Over the years I have always ensured that I was there to support our movement

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Committees and Description

Please contact me for more information regarding my work on these committees

Educational Policies Committee
(Laurier Teachers Union)

Provided teacher participation in the establishment of educational policies at the board level.

Professional Improvement Committee
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Promoted the professional development of teachers and provides a framework for the equitable distribution of professional improvement funds.

Special Education Policy Advisory Committee
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Advised the board on the special education policy and budget for students with special needs.  These meetings were held in the evening.  I served for about 11 years on this committee.

Parity for Special Needs Committee
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Made recommendations on the implementation of the Special Needs Policy, as well as the distribution of support services.

Labour Relations Committee
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Advised the board on the special education policy and budget for students with special needs. These meetings were held in the evening.  I served for about 11 years on this committee.

Budget and Finance Committee
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Planned the LTU annual budget as well as review the audit

Union Renewal Committee (Ad Hoc)
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Looked into ways to increase participation in the union.

Retiree recognition committee (Ad Hoc)
(Laurier T
eachers Union)

Committee set up to look into recognizing retired and retiring teachers who contributed to teacher solidarity through unionism

Resource Teachers Network

Set up to indentify and streamline best practices across the school board in relation to providing support to teachers.

SWLSB Town Hall Teacher Representative (2018)

Represented teacher concerns during the School Boards consultation exercise.

Human Rights & Social Justice Committee (Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers)

For more than a decade I have participated in this committee which looks into ways to promote and share teacher projects related to human rights and social justice. 

Special Needs Committee
(Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers)

Represent the concerns of LTU teachers on this provincial committee looking into ways to address teacher concerns regarding access to services for students with special needs. 

Finance Committee
(Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers)

Planned the QPAT annual budget as well as review the audit

Nominations Committee
(Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers)

Represented LTU on the committee which monitored elections at QPAT

Committee on Diversity & Human Rights 
(Canadian Teachers Federation)

Represent all teachers of the province at the Federal level on issues pertaining to diversity and human rights 

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